Community Guidelines

Mango Community Guidelines

Community Guidelines

Our Community Guidelines aim to create a safe, supportive, and positive environment that fosters self-expression. These guidelines apply to all content shared on Mango.


Safety and Respect

Sexual Content
  • Prohibited Activities: Promoting or distributing pornographic content is strictly prohibited.
  • Protection of Minors: Sharing, saving, or sending nude or sexual content involving anyone under 18, including yourself, is forbidden. Soliciting explicit imagery or chats from minors is a serious violation and will be reported to authorities.
Harassment & Bullying
  • Zero Tolerance: Any form of bullying or harassment is not tolerated.
  • Respecting Boundaries: Do not send photos intended to upset someone. If someone blocks you, respect their decision and do not attempt to contact them from another account.
  • Consent: If someone in your photo asks for its removal, comply with their request.
Threats, Violence & Self-Harm
  • Prohibited Behaviour: Threatening harm to individuals, groups, or property, and encouraging violence are strictly forbidden.
  • Content Restrictions: Do not share photos depicting gratuitous violence or animal abuse.
  • Self-Harm: Content that glorifies self-harm, including self-injury or eating disorders, is not allowed.
Authenticity and Trust
Impersonation & Spam
  • Authenticity: Do not impersonate others, including friends, celebrities, brands, or organizations. Misleading others about your identity is prohibited.
  • Spam: We do not allow spam or deceptive practices.
Hate Speech & Misinformation
  • Hate Speech: Content that demeans, defames, or promotes discrimination or violence based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or veteran status is prohibited.
  • False Information: We prohibit the spread of malicious lies and deliberately misleading information that could cause harm, including denying the existence of tragic events.
Legal and Responsible Use
Illegal Activities
  • Prohibited Activities: Using Mango for illegal activities, including buying or selling illegal drugs, contraband, counterfeit goods, or illegal weapons, is strictly forbidden.
  • Zero Tolerance: Terrorist organizations are banned from our platform. Content that promotes or glorifies terrorism is not tolerated.
Reporting and Enforcement
  • Reporting: Use our in-app reporting feature to report inappropriate content or activities. We review these reports to determine if there is a violation of our guidelines and take appropriate action.
  • Consequences: Violating these guidelines may result in the removal of offending content, account termination, and/or notification of law enforcement. If your account is terminated, you will not be allowed to use Mango again.

We ask that you take these Guidelines seriously and treat others with respect. We are committed to enforcing them fairly and consistently, striving to create a positive and secure environment for all users.